When you are shopping for new iron entry doors for your home, it is worth your time to learn about the different parts of a door. If you want to ensure you are replacing your front door with one that…
At Universal Iron Doors, we are known for our stylish and durable product line. Our line of custom wrought iron doors is large and offers an extensive range of choices. Wrought iron is preferred for its high tensile strength while…
The entryway to your home says a lot about your tastes and style. It is the first thing family, friends, and guests notice when they stop by for a visit. The entryway is what your neighbors and people walking or…
Thinking about giving your home an updated décor? One popular option is to choose the Spanish style to decorate your home. This design style incorporates rustic styles with a Mediterranean flair. Most people are surprised by how easy it is…
Take a look at your home from the street. Now, look at your neighbors’ homes. Do their homes stand out more than yours? If you answered yes, what caught your eye? Having a home that stands out boosts its curb…
When selecting new iron entry doors with glass for your home or business, you need to determine what type of glass will add to the appearance of your property. For homeowners, it is a good idea to choose an opaque…
Today, wrought iron is considered to be a must-have design feature by many homeowners, but its roots stretch back to the end of the Bronze Age. We take a brief look at iron’s rich history. The making and working of…
If you are looking for ways to cut your energy costs or just want to do something good for the environment, there are plenty of great energy-efficiency tips you can review to help boost your home’s energy efficiency. The more…
When it comes to shopping for new doors for your home, two of the most popular choices homeowners browse are wrought iron doors and steel doors. While both kinds of doors are made from metal, there are differences you need…
How well the exterior of your business looks is what makes the first impression on potential customers or clients visiting your business. Even if you already spoke to the customer or client on the phone, they are getting their first…
Los Angeles Iron Doors Looking for Los Angeles iron doors to personalize up your home and make it your own? Looking for something to make your house more impressive and increase its property value? Look no further, for Universal Iron…
Wrought iron is a highly refined iron alloy used for front entry doors and other parts of homes. A semi-fused mass of iron, it is extremely strong and durable. The fibrous slag inclusions add a wood-like grain appearance when the…